Carefree Membership “Boating Without Owning” Is The Only Way To Go
It’s that time of the year when the water beckons and all you can think about is getting everyone together to go boating. But do you really want to take on the huge responsibility of owning and caring for a boat? For many, the idea of “boating without owning” is the ideal choice because they […]
Introducing Your 2016 Carefree Boat Club Fleet
This year Carefree Boat Club members will have the best summer ever with our fleet of brand-new pontoon, bowrider, and sport boats boasting enough seating and power to make every lake day an adventure.
$500 Referral Program
Are your friends asking, ‘how do I join The Carefree Boat Club?’ Please fill out this form and we’ll arrange their personal tour to determine which of our membership options will meet their boating wishes.
Christmas Special from Carefree Boat Club
This year, give your family a gift that lasts for years. Come make memories on the water. Join our growing membership and let us take care of all the hassles of boating.
Tips for taking your dog boating
Most dogs love getting out on the water as much as you and I do and you wouldn’t leave you best friend stuck on shore every time you left the dock, would you? So the next time you are headed out for a day at the lake or favorite fishing hole, also grab the leash and the water bowl. Just remember to use these dogs-on-board tips, to keep the trip a fun one for everyone. Boating can be a fun experience for the whole family, so don’t leave your canine members out. Be safe, and have fun!
8 Tips to Make Selling Your Boat Easier
It’s that time of year. You’ve decided to join a boat club or the shows are coming up and you’re craving a new boat. All that’s left to do is sell your old boat to pay for your new plan. Here are a few tips to help you get it sold quickly and at the right price.
What You Need to Know With the Changing of the Season
Dress for the water, not the weather: Indian summers can bring T-shirt days and downright balmy temperatures but don’t be lured into this false sense of summer.
Join Now, Boat Now, Pay Next Year $500 OFF initiation with no membership dues until January 2016! Now is the time to come check out Carefree Boat Club! See the variety of fleet 17€² 27€², the online reservation system and unlimited access to the boats, Carefree Boat Club’s hands on training program, 40+ locations around the country, and more .