Every summer you see the perfect weather forecasts, you drive by the lake full of happy families in pontoon boats, and you ask yourself “Should I buy a boat?” There’s never a better time than now to get involved in the boating lifestyle! However, if you’ve been on the fence while everyone else is out enjoying their lake days, it may be time to start considering the benefits of joining a boat club. In this article we’ll break down the long-term costs of ownership versus boat club pricing.
So You Want to Buy a Boat?
The two happiest days of a boat-owners life are the day they BUY the boat, and the day they SELL the boat!
All jokes aside, there is a good reason for this old saying. Many new owners get into long-term contracts without realizing the true cost of owning a boat. Even after a large down payment and high monthly installments, they may not consider the cost of docking or transporting their boat. Costly regular maintenance of your boat is also required to help prevent even costlier repairs! Factor in insurance, registration, and personal property taxes, the “great deal” you got on that boat starts to become a mountainous monthly expense.

Own The Fun – Not The Hassles!
If you’re not ready for all that commitment, there is a better way! Joining a boat club gives you all the benefits of owning a boat with none of the skyrocketing costs mentioned above. You get access to an entire fleet of boats and many different locations to keep your lake days different every time, and you get it at a fraction of the cost of ownership.
Whatever you think about boat club pricing, it’s likely not as much as you might think considering all of the benefits members have. The initial purchase of a 24′ boat is 130% more than the introductory fees of a club, and monthly fees from that point on are a whopping 250% more. Over a five-year period, boat club members will pay 37% of what the owner of the new boat will pay. Not only that, but the club members can spend those five years in more than just a single boat. Go wake boarding in a high-speed performance boat one weekend, spend the next in a luxurious bow rider you’ll always have a choice!
The Numbers Tell the Tale of Boat Club Pricing
Take a look at the attached infographic for a closer look at the numbers. If you’re ready to start living the boating lifestyle without the high cost of payments, docking fees, and maintenance, it’s time you joined the fun and contacted your local boat club!