Watersports You Must Try
A lot of people have asked me recently about what watersport they would like, but he honest answer is that everyone is different. However I do have a list of five watersports you must try.
Freshwater Fishing Tips
There are always plenty of things to keep in mind when looking for the perfect catch, but these basic freshwater fishing tips can help provide a general overview of what you need to know.
Wake Boarding Tips – Get Better this Winter!
Your climate doesn’t always allow for wakeboarding all year long. The weather gets colder and forces most of us to put our boards up for the winter.
Save some Fuel and some Embarrassment
It can happen to the best of us, often it happens to all of us, but running out of fuel is never fun. We can get caught up in the fun of boating, forget how much gas we are using and end up dead in the water.
5 Ways to Cure Seasickness
According to Navy studies 90% of people get seasick when on a boat. This makes Seasickness one of the greatest plagues for people who love boating.
5 Safety Tips for Inland Water Sports
Every single one of us loves to have fun, those of us in lake communities know that the best way to do that is water sports. But it isn’t much fun if you get injured, stranded, or even worse.
Sharing your Love of Boating with the Kids
It could be said that if the boating bug doesn’t bite your kids before the age of 13 they will never love the boating lifestyle. The quickest way to make kids fall in love with the water is an exciting adventure filled with fun new experiences.
South Holston Lake Fireworks July 4th 2014
South Holston Lake Fireworks 2014 “News Alert!!! The fireworks at Lakeview Dock on South Holston will be spectacular. Thursday night just before July the 4th there will be a phenomenal show of pyrotechnics. There is no better way to enjoy this showing then out on the water. Give us a call and we will help you get out […]
Lake Lanier Fireworks this 4th of July
Watching Fireworks with the family is always a great pass time on Independence Day, and one of the best ways to watch these fireworks is from the lake.