Tips for taking your dog boating
Most dogs love getting out on the water as much as you and I do and you wouldn’t leave you best friend stuck on shore every time you left the dock, would you? So the next time you are headed out for a day at the lake or favorite fishing hole, also grab the leash and the water bowl. Just remember to use these dogs-on-board tips, to keep the trip a fun one for everyone. Boating can be a fun experience for the whole family, so don’t leave your canine members out. Be safe, and have fun!
Be Safe and NEVER Swim at a Marina
Our goal at The Carefree Boater is to give you information to make your Boating Experiences as Fun and as Safe as possible. Here is a great reminder to all of us why we should never swim at a marina.
Don’t tell my Dad……please
Don’t tell my dad he was right. Please. But he (and my mom and almost every other adult who spoke to me when I became a father) told me that I would blink and 10, 15 maybe 20 years would be gone and my kids would be grown up and I would wonder where the time went.
Great commercials
It is rare, but occasionally a TV commercial catches my eye and I choose to watch rather than fast forward. One such commercial that is currently running features three obviously wealthy young people talking about a cell phone company that wants to save them money.
Let’s See Your TV do that!
When you hear the phrase “getting away from it all, it’s not meant to be taken literally! One of the best reasons for boating is to go out on the water with friends and family. It’s a time to unplug, to enjoy each other while enjoying the sun and lake.
The 2015 Boating Season Is Here!
Spring is upon us and it’s time to start making your best boating memories ever! Here are a couple of basic reminders that will make your boating experiences as safe and as fun as possible!
Latest News on the Boone Lake Water Levels
The Tennessee Valley Authority announced Thursday that Boone Lake will remain 30 feet below its normal level until next year. But with lake levels staying put for at least the next year, what does that mean for marinas?
Need A Vacation Idea? How about The Staycation That Lasts All Season?
When most people set their budgets up for the upcoming year, they start planning out where they’re going to go on vacation. They start deciding if they’re going to go to Florida, the Caribbean, or a cruise, etc and this hopefully ends up being 7 days of really intense fun.