5 Safety Tips for Inland Water Sports
Every single one of us loves to have fun, those of us in lake communities know that the best way to do that is water sports. But it isn’t much fun if you get injured, stranded, or even worse.
Sharing your Love of Boating with the Kids
It could be said that if the boating bug doesn’t bite your kids before the age of 13 they will never love the boating lifestyle. The quickest way to make kids fall in love with the water is an exciting adventure filled with fun new experiences.
South Holston Lake Fireworks July 4th 2014
South Holston Lake Fireworks 2014 “News Alert!!! The fireworks at Lakeview Dock on South Holston will be spectacular. Thursday night just before July the 4th there will be a phenomenal show of pyrotechnics. There is no better way to enjoy this showing then out on the water. Give us a call and we will help you get out […]
Carefree Boat Club – Reservation Strategies
Being a Carefree Boat Club member is a fantastic way to enjoy boating to the fullest. Having a fleet of boats at your disposal means you have numerous opportunities to enjoy the lake, through many different types of boating experiences.
Fall Boating Ideas for East Tennessee Lakes
Summer is coming to an end, and for many, the boating season is also coming to an end. Sure, a lot of people put their boats up after Labor Day, but if you are a Carefree Boat Club member – you don’t have to! There are a lot of ways to enjoy the lake, even after the summer crowd has faded into the sunset.
Boone Lake Boat Rental
There is nothing finer than spending a day out on the lake with friends and family. Try a day out on Boone Lake in Northeast Tennessee for a true taste of the good life.
Watauga Lake Marinas
Watauga Lake marinas offer a wide variety of recreational opportunities. The impounded water flow below the dam allows for whitewater rafting and kayaking. This area has a reputation for houseboats and even holds an annual boat parade each July 4th.
Watauga Lake Boat Rental
For couples, families and even seniors, spending the day boating on Lake Watauga is a great opportunity to have some fun, renew old bonds and make some new friends.