Great commercials
It is rare, but occasionally a TV commercial catches my eye and I choose to watch rather than fast forward. One such commercial that is currently running features three obviously wealthy young people talking about a cell phone company that wants to save them money.
Need A Vacation Idea? How about The Staycation That Lasts All Season?
When most people set their budgets up for the upcoming year, they start planning out where they’re going to go on vacation. They start deciding if they’re going to go to Florida, the Caribbean, or a cruise, etc and this hopefully ends up being 7 days of really intense fun.
Carefree Boat Club gives you access to all US and Canada locations
One of the greatest Club benefits is that when you join one of the three great Carefree Boat Club locations in the Tri-Cities, not only do you have access to all three locations; you and your family have access to all US and Canada locations. That’s right, if you’re vacationing in Charleston, Lake Norman, Miami or a multitude of other areas, your Carefree Boat Club Membership comes with you.
Christmas Special from Carefree Boat Club!!
It is truly the most wonderful time of the year at Carefree Boat Club!! Take advantage of our Christmas Special and enjoy unlimited usage of our first-class fleet of boats without the hassles and expense of owning!
Piloting Course
It’s not too late to get in on the 10-week, Monday evening course put on by the Tri-Cities Boating Club: Johnson City Sail & Power Squadron.