Fall Boating: Managing Low Water Levels
For those that truly love boating and the outdoors, Fall is one of the best seasons to be out on the lake. There are some safety considerations though you should take into account on our Tennessee lakes.
Family Boating Tips: NEVER Swim At A Marina
As a marina owner, I am often asked for family boating tips. One question I get (and wish I was asked even more often) is “Can I swim at the marina?” The answer is a definite no.
Boone Lake Cut-Through Navigation Video
The Boone Lake Cut-Through forms an island. The island is TVA property and we get a lot of folks that camp out on that island. There’s actually rumored to be a bear on the island, so if you’re camping over there, keep your food up in a tree.
Boating Tips: 5 Awesome Ways To Wreck Your Boat
So you have a wad of money in your pocket and it’s a big burden on you. You can’t sleep at night. We know. It’s tough being uber-rich and nursing wealth-based insomnia all your life. As always, we’re here to help.
How to Pull A Boat Into A Slip
Getting the boat out on the water is the easy part. Now that it’s time to come back into the dock, a lot of folks get nervous if they don’t have a lot of experience docking a boat into a slip.