Sharing the Love of Boating with Your Spouse
A few weeks ago we had a post about Sharing Your Love of Boating with the kids. This week we wanted to look at a more common problem, sharing the love of boating with your Spouse.
Save some Fuel and some Embarrassment
It can happen to the best of us, often it happens to all of us, but running out of fuel is never fun. We can get caught up in the fun of boating, forget how much gas we are using and end up dead in the water.
5 Ways to Cure Seasickness
According to Navy studies 90% of people get seasick when on a boat. This makes Seasickness one of the greatest plagues for people who love boating.
5 Safety Tips for Inland Water Sports
Every single one of us loves to have fun, those of us in lake communities know that the best way to do that is water sports. But it isn’t much fun if you get injured, stranded, or even worse.
Fall Boating: Managing Low Water Levels
For those that truly love boating and the outdoors, Fall is one of the best seasons to be out on the lake. There are some safety considerations though you should take into account on our Tennessee lakes.
How Much Does A Boat Cost?
Memorial Day is almost here, your friends are all getting their boats out of storage and getting them ready for the season – now you’re realizing what fun they are all having and you’re wondering “how much does a boat cost?” If you haven’t shopped in a while, you may be in for quite a shock.
How Much Does Carefree Boat Club Cost?
If you have ever wondered How much does a boat cost, and have researched, you were likely shocked by the results. Boat Clubs are really getting a lot of momentum over the last couple of years.