Attention members and members-to-be! We are back at it with part four of our six-part series. In case you missed them, parts one and two are pretty important, they deal with what everyone is concerned about – money and time. Boat ownership consumes both of those things, in large amounts at that. We are looking out for you – so we created the concept of boating without owning, and made it reality – it’s about time! By getting on board with us as a member, you’re paying about 1/3 of what it actually costs to own a boat. Part three is to let you know that the boats you are given access to range from peaceful pontoons to high horsepower speedboats with towing abilities. This next segment is covering availability. Going hand in hand with part three of this series – unlimited usage – availability is centralized around the principle of a strict boat to member ratio. This makes walk on reservations possible, or dates reserved up to six months in advance. As aforementioned, our members utilize ResNet, our super simple, super accessible online reservation system (don’t worry, we help you get all of that set up). Have a change of plans and need a spur of the moment reservation, cancellation, or maybe decide you are in the fishing mood instead of the wakeboarding mood? No problem, just give us a heads up. Why did we choose this design? Obliging to our title, Carefree Boat Club, one of our priorities is designing the process to be as carefree as possible, We help create experiences absent from worries and hassles. Lake life is meant to be enjoyed, not fretted over!
So far, this series has covered various fundamentals of the Carefree Boat Club, and how they coexist to create your truly Carefree experience. For you, boating shouldn’t be a big oar-deal, so give us a call to learn how boating is made easy.