Seamanship Public Course 2-20-13(2)
Tri-Cities Boating Club
Johnson City Sail & Power Squadron
Press Release
For Immediate Release: March 24th, 2015

Subject: Seamanship Course
Seamanship Course
Northeast State Community College Library
(Room L226)
Dates: Tuesday, April 7th and Mondays, April 13-June 1
6:00 8:00 PM
Pre-registration is required
Modest fee to cover course materials
The club is offering a comprehensive course on Seamanship beginning April 7th in room L226 at Northeast State Community College library. Classes will meet from 6pm to 8pm.
This Seamanship course is a natural first/step in building a foundation for confidence and competence for safe and enjoyable boating on the water. It extends the knowledge and skills of the boater in handling and maneuvering a vessel, either sail or power. The course provides a better understanding of how boats behave under various conditions including close quarters and open water operations. Knowledge and skills are increased in the areas of anchoring, emergencies, rules of the road and marlinspike/basic knots. Appendices include information to safe operations in waters of our neighbors to the north and south, Canada and Mexico. An On-The-Water component enhances the learning experience.
The Tri-Cities Boating Club is a member of the United States Power Squadron, a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. Squadron members are boating families who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education.
Contact: John Whitehead (423) 239-6875
E-Mail: [email protected]