Boat Exam. Don’t let the words scare you.
We’ve compiled the resources you’ll need to pass the test with flying colors (geeky argyle, preferably). While the rules and laws do vary from state to state, you can ace a boat exam like a Harvard nerd with a little prep work.
- A Little Background. A boat operator needs to take a boat exam because the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) says so. The mission of NASBLA is “to strengthen the ability of the state and territorial boating authorities to reduce death, injury, and property damage associated with recreational boating and ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable boating environment.” In other words, this isn’t all for nothing. The good folks at NASBLA really do have the best interest of boaters, passengers, swimmers, and everybody else at heart.
- State By State. Since requirements for the boat exam do vary by state, we’ve found this easy listing of all of the states to make researching each individual province much easier. Using this guide, you can familiarize yourself with state-specifics and be one step closer to being away from land for a little while. A little poke around the state-specific sites are a great guide to help a person know what to expect. We also found this site, which offers an easy state-by-state click-ability for information on each state’s boat exam. Laws and regulations can be found here as well as short instructional videos and safety course catalog information.
- Sample Tests. Although each specific boat exam will vary by state (and likely by exam), a good measure of success is to take a few practice tests. BOATERexam.com is a good resource for a little test of skill, talent, and knowledge. The sites mentioned above should be able to provide practice tests and helpful tips when it comes to the actual test prep.
- What People Are Saying. It is easy to get wrapped up in our own to-do lists and forget that we’re not the first people with questions about a boat exam. Checking community threads about boat exam experiences is a sure way to gauge whether or not your anxieties are in check with reality. Again, even different counties or different states’ tests will likely be similar enough to measure the reaction of the various test-takers.
Tests and licenses are an inevitable part of life. A few tips make the testing go down easier. Study a little and boat a lot!
By the way, while online or paper tests are great, we highly recommend on-the-water training.
Ever taken a boat exam? Let our readers know what to expect in the comments.
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