When Shannon Dorn first heard about Carefree Boat Club, she didn’t even need to hear the whole sales pitch. She was all in!
Her husband, Matthew, is a surgeon with little free time, and they needed a good way to make use of the time he has to have fun and build memories with their three kids. The boat club seemed like a great way to do that.
Five years later, she says, her kids have grown up on the lake; boating is something that defines their childhood and still provides a great way for the family to be intentional about disconnecting from work and electronics and connecting with each other.
“We love, when people come to visit, taking them out on the lake; it’s the first thing we show them in our area, she says. “The kids love inviting friends, but really the thing we love the most is just being, the five of us, out there together laughing, singing, eating, cutting it up.
The Dorns love the boat club so much, they all wanted to add their input. Here’s what the rest of the family had to say:
“I love spending time with my family and going really fast. It is just the best time ever! Ashlyn, age 6
“My favorite part is tubing and the new slide boat. Also, I liked it when we camped and rode the boat.” Luke”, age 8
“I love the boat club because you can cast your cares away, relax and just have a great time together.” Aleah”, age 11
“We like to get lost in a cove, put the cell phones down and float! Gives you a chance to be a kid again. Getting out on the lake allows for uninterrupted time with your kids to enjoy them and watch them as they grow up. I love that the lake is a part of their childhood.” Dr. Matthew Dorn