Many who research How much does a boat cost are shocked by the results. This soaring cost of boat ownership has given rise to boat clubs around the world. By now, you’ve probably heard of carefree boat club. so the next question would be how much does carefree boat club cost? Boat Clubs are really gaining a lot of momentum as people discover the savings and freedom that comes with membership. Huge benefits include: no hassle and maintenance, much lower cost than owning, and decreased liability over renting. Carefree Boat Club, Freedom Boat Club, and Nautical Toys are a few of the big ones.
So How Much Does Carefree Boat Club Cost?
We’ll break down an easy way to “guesstimate” this cost, as well as compare it to the cost of ownership. Here are the kinds of upfront and monthly prices / fees to expect. While we can’t answer that in exact terms (we’ll explain why), we can give you the information you need to get a good idea of cost, and how it differs from area to area. Carefree Boat Club Cost can be calculated as (roughly) twice the fee of dockage. Or stated another way, about half of the cost of a boat club is just the dockage fee you would have on a boat that you own. Another way to estimate the cost is to figure 1/3 the cost of owning a boat.
We can’t answer in exact numbers because each boat club and location have differing rates. Some clubs are located in up-scale, high-profile marinas and some are tucked away in less expensive locations. The costs associated with boating in those areas will follow the local cost of living, just as other expenses would. Your best bet is to check with a local carefree boat club representative for a tour and a detailed quote.
Carefree Boat Club’s cost tends to follow the local cost of boat ownership and yearly dockage rates. Therefore, if you know how much it costs to dock a boat at your local marina, simply multiply by 2 to get a high-end range for your local boat club. This is the easiest way to get a ballpark estimate. Call the marina where the club you are interested in is located and ask for dockage rates. If you are an owner of a newer boat in good condition, you can take last year’s boating expenses (loan payments, maintenance, storage, etc) and multiply that by .33.
A Sound Future Investment
You’ll never hear anyone say this about a buying a boat, but investing in Carefree Boat Club is truly a sound investment. As the club grows, the more it’s value increases. When you join at your local lake, you will also enjoy membership privileges at any of the club’s 50+ other locations. So there’s a big benefit in choosing a club that has branches at locations to which you’d like to visit. One trend we are seeing more and more of is club members planning their vacations around other boat club locations. Simply click on one of the pricing guide download links, and we will send you our detailed guide to Carefree Boat Club Cost.
Are you a member of carefree boat club? Let us know what your experience has been like in the comments.