Maddy Wolfe

Originally from Bristol Tennessee

Q. You have a beautiful sunny day on the lake. How would you spend it, and which carefree boat club boat would you choose to take out?
On a beautiful day on the lake, I personally would choose to take out one of our Bennington pontoon boats because relaxing and enjoying the sun is one of my favorite things to do on an off day. Using one of our pontoon boats allows me to invite my friends and make new memories on the lake.

Q. Favorite influential figure and why?
My favorite influential figure would have to be Amelia Earhart because of her advancements for women in a male-dominated industry. She was constantly breaking the barrier for aviation and women which is inspiring to me.

Q. Why do you choose to call the Carefree Boat Club home?
I call the CBC home because the lake has always been a second home to me and Carefree Boat Club makes boating extremely easy without the hassle of what boating can come with. It feels like home because I’m always meeting new people, new faces and building new relationships while on the dock. I think that Carefree Boat Club allows for families to experience the water like never before.